News archive


26/02/2024: New paper Re-pseudonymization Strategies for Smart Meter Data Are Not Robust to Deep Learning Profiling Attacks accepted at ACM CODASPY ‘24! Joint work with Miruna Rusu and Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye.

01/02/2024: New paper Investigating the Effect of Misalignment on Membership Privacy in the White-box Setting accepted at PoPETS 2024! Joint work with Daniel Jones, Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye, and Shruti Tople.

22/01/2024: I attended the discussion panel of the Synthetic Data for Biomedical Applications workshop organised by CHUV and the Swiss Data Science Center.


01/11/2023: I started a postdoc at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland. I am part of the SPRING Lab headed by Prof. Carmela Troncoso. I am generously funded by the CYD Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship of the Swiss Cyberdefense Campus where my main collaborator is Dr. Raphael Meier.

24/07/2023: This week I visited Prof. Thorsten Strufe and his research group at KIT, spending a wonderful week in Karlsruhe.

11/07/2023: I participated in a panel on Data Protection in an AI-Driven World organised by the UK Internet Governance Forum, talking about how we can evaluate the privacy risks of AI models.

04/07/2023: New preprint available: Synthetic is all you need: removing the auxiliary data assumption for membership inference attacks against synthetic data.

30/06/2023: This week I attended the Interdisciplinary Summerschool on Privacy (ISP 2023) in Berg en Dal, Netherlands. I taught a 2-hour class titled “Evaluating the privacy of data processing systems through inference attacks”.

17/06/2023: New preprint available: Achilles’ Heels: Vulnerable Record Identification in Synthetic Data Publishing.

14/06/2023: I presented my Re-aligning Shadow Models can Improve White-box Membership Inference Attacks paper at the PPML workshop in Paris.

14/06/2023: I presented the QuerySnout tool and attended a panel on re-identification at the CNIL Privacy Research Day event in Paris. Three of my other papers were presented by my collaborators on the other panels, two of which examine the robustness of perceptual hashing-based client-side scanning and a third one demonstrating correlation leakages in ML models.

08/06/2023: New preprint available: Re-aligning Shadow Models can Improve White-box Membership Inference Attacks.

12/05/2023: I successfully defended my PhD thesis! I am grateful to my examiners Prof. Vitaly Shmatikov and Prof. Emil Lupu for their feedback.

10/05/2023: I gave a talk about my research at the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation.

26/04/2023: I gave a talk about my research at the Computer Science Brunel PhD Symposium.

03/04/2023: Our paper Deep perceptual hashing algorithms with hidden dual-purpose: when client-side scanning does facial recognition has been accepted at the IEEE S&P 2023 conference!

20/02/2023: I presented my work at the probability and statistics seminar of the University of Bourgogne France-Comte (Besancon).


09/11/2022: This week, I attended the ACM CCS 2022 conference in Los Angeles, USA. I presented my paper QuerySnout: Automating the Discovery of Attribute Inference Attacks against Query-Based Systems.

11/08/2022: Check out our new blogpost on the effectiveness of black-box evasion attacks against deep perceptual hashing models.

11/08/2022: This week, I attended the USENIX Security ‘22 conference in Boston, USA. I presented my paper on evaluating the robustness of perceptual hashing-based client-side scanning systems.

Usenix Security talk

22/07/2022: I completed my internship in Microsoft Research’s Confidential Computing team and I am now back at Imperial! I will soon share more updates on the work.

13/07/2022: I received a diversity grant from the USENIX association for attending the USENIX Security ‘22 conference in Boston!

02/05/2022: I started an internship at Microsoft Research in the Confidential Computing team, working with Shruti Tople and Daniel Jones.

30/03/2022: I presented my paper Interaction data are identifiable even across long periods of time at the Privacy and Security in ML Interest Group Seminar, check out this link for the recording.


11/08/2021: I presented my work on evaluating the robustness of perceptual hashing-based client-side scanning to adversarial attacks at the UK-SPS seminar. Check out this link for the recording.

19/11/2021: I gave a contributed talk at the PPML 2021 workshop on my paper Interaction data are identifiable even across long periods of time, check out this link for the recording.

04/11/2021: I gave a talk at the CAMLIS 2021 conference on my paper Adversarial Detection Avoidance Attacks: Evaluating the robustness of perceptual hashing-based client-side scanning , which was selected for a full talk.